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How Are Politicians Informed? Witness and Information Provision in Congress

marzo 13 | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Seminario de Investigación del IIEP
How Are Politicians Informed? Witness and Information Provision in Congress

Expositor | Hye Young You | Department of Politics and School of International and Public Affairs, Princeton University


Sobre el autor

Hye Young You is an associate professor in the Department of Politics and School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. Her research interests are political economy,  interest groups, lobbying and campaign contributions, and American political institutions.


How are politicians informed and who do politicians seek information from? The role of information has been at the center for research on legislative organizations but there is a lack of systematic empirical work on the information that Congress seeks to acquire and consider. To examine the information flow between Congress and external groups, we construct the most comprehensive dataset to date on 74,082 congressional committee hearings and 755,540 witnesses spanning 1960-2018. We show descriptive patterns of how witness composition varies across time and committee, and how different types of witnesses provide varying levels of analytical information. We develop theoretical expectations for why committees may invite different types of witnesses based on committee intent, inter-branch relations, and congressional capacity. Our empirical evidence shows how committees’ partisan considerations can affect how much committees turn to outsiders for information and from whom they seek information.


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Lugar | FCE-UBA | Aula 235 | Sector posgrado


marzo 13
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
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